DocOps Extension Server

Provides a diverse range of extensions available for AsciiDoctorJ that can improve the quality, functionality, and presentation of their documentation. This is a comprehensive list of extensions available for AsciiDoctorJ, highlighting various tools that can enhance the documentation process by adding specific functionalities, such as architecture decision records, badges, charts, and more. Key functionality includes:

  • Architecture Decision Records:

    This extension helps in documenting architecture decisions in a standardized format.
  • Badges and Shields:

    Useful for adding visual badges to documentation, often to denote build status or project health
  • Buttons:

    Allows for the inclusion of interactive buttons in the documentation.
  • Calendar Icon:

    Adds calendar icons for date representation in documents.
  • Charts (Pie Chart, Bar Chart, Line Chart, etc.):

    Enables the creation of various types of charts to visualize data effectively.

The latest artifact is published in maven central.

Buttons Gallery


Buttons allow authors to create different shapes and sizes for navigation aids such as cards or circular buttons that can be placed anywhere in a document. Click on the link for a builder page to learn about the JSON dsl. The macro used for Buttons is:


Calendar Icon

Badges are an important part of any documentation as they help establish visual callouts to important ideas. The Calendar macro allows authors to create a simple icon with the month and year. This is sometimes useful to quick glance of when the document was generated or can be overridden. Click on this box link for a builder page to learn about the JSON dsl. The macro used for Calendar Icon is



Badges are an important part of any documentation as they help establish visual callouts to important ideas. The connectors macro creates a set of rectangles connected to create a simple left to right flow of desired activity. Click on this box link for a builder page to learn about the JSON dsl. The macro used for Connector is



Badges are an important part of any documentation as they help establish visual callouts to important ideas. The placemat macro creates a set of rectangles that outlines ideas grouped by color and legend elements. Click on this box link for a builder page to learn about the JSON dsl. The macro used for Placemat is



The planner macro creates a work plan for NOW/NEXT/LATER and DONE elements to show simple board of current work. Click on this box link for a builder page to learn about the dsl. The macro used for Planner is

Release Strategy

Release Strategy

Release strategies are important methods by which a team can ensure that their product will be released successfully into the production environment with minimal issues or problems. Click on this box link for a builder page to learn about the dsl. The macro used for Release is



The scorecard macro enables authors to create a pro vs con, a before/after of work comparison view. Click on this box link for a builder page to learn about the JSON dsl. The macro used for Scorecard is

Bar Gallery

Bar Chart

The bar chart macro allows the author to quickly create a bar chart by groups of series elements. Click on this box for a builder page to learn about the JSON dsl. The macro used for Bar Chart is